
Price list 2024-2025 updated January 6, 2025
*Prices are subject to change without notice.


If you wish to change the dates of your stay, you must do so before your scheduled arrival date by calling the front desk directly at 819 298-2455. Depending on availability, we will make the changes with you.


If you wish to cancel your stay, you must do so before your scheduled arrival date by calling the front desk directly at 819 298-2455 and we will apply the following conditions:

    • 30 days prior to arrival:
      We will refund the full amount of the deposit requested at the time of booking, excluding any booking fees charged by the booking office.

    • More than 7 days and less than 30 days before arrival:
      We will move the reservation within the same calendar year, but no refund will be made. The date chosen must be before December 31 of the same the same calendar year to avoid losing the deposit.

    • Less than 7 days:
      We cancel your reservation and you lose your entire deposit.
    • Early arrivals (+1h before scheduledarrival time) will incur a charge of $10.00+tx ( camping sites and Petit Trot) and $35.00+tx (cottages and PACs).
    • Late departures (immediately after the scheduled departure time ) will incur a charge of $10.00+tx ( camping sites and Petit Trot) and $35.00+tx (cottages and PACs).

If you do not show up on the day of your reservation and do not notify us, the lot will be made available at noon the following day.

Admissionbefore taxestaxes and fees included
Adult daily admission (18+7.398.50
Children’s admission (6+3.484.00
Daily family pass (2 adults/3 children)18.2621.00
Adult (18+) daily bike/fatbike pass10.8712.50
Children’s bike/fatbike pass (6+)4.35

Daily admission . family bike/fatbike (2 adults /3 children)26,0930,00
Daily admission for adults (18+)10.8712.50
Daily admission for children (6+)4.35

Free 5 years and under0.000.00
Annual membershipbefore taxestaxes and fees included
Individual membership card65.2375.00
Family membership card (2 adults / 3 children)117,37


Individual membership card ( ABI employee with proof)56.5365.00
Family membership card ( ABI employee with proof (2 adults /3 children))10,37120,00
VIP Rider (20h bike/fat rental) child153.08176.00
VIP Rider (20h bike/fat rental) adult simp.susp229.62264.00
VIP rider (20h bike/fat rental) adult double. suspension306,15352,00
Campingbefore taxestaxes and fees included
Campground 0 service42,7055,42
Place Centrale 0 service campground41,7555,33
Place Centrale 2 service campground50,4064,27
2 services campground54,0869,08
Additionaltent OR vehicle (21′-0” maximum)30.0034.49
Additional adult15.0017.25
Land rest area with 3-services box71,6588,70
Land with 2-service enclosure57,05788,70
Additional enclosure20,0023,00
Ready-to-campbefore taxestaxes and fees included
PAC 2, 3 and 4 (up to 5 people)130.00161.02
PAC 1 (up to 5 people), 5 and 6 (up to 6 people)135.00166.98
PAC 7 (up to 8 people)159.00195.54
Chaletbefore taxestaxes and fees included
Chalet 1 Le Randonneur (2 pers.)145.00178.88
Chalet 2 Le Défricheur (up to 6 pers.)212,00258,60
Chalet 3 Le Prospecteur ( sleeps up to 6)212.00258.60
Chalet 4 Le Rouleux (up to 4 people)156.00191.96
Chalet 5 Le Curieux (up to 7 pers.)198.00241.94
Chalet 6 Enviro Jeunesse (up to 18 pers.)389.00469.24
Chalet 7 Le Rassembleur (up to 5 pers.)198.00241.94
Chalet 8 Le Héron (2 pers.)163.00200.30
Chalet 9 La Chouette (2 pers.)163.00200.30
Chalet 10 Le Cardinal (up to 4 people)218.00265.74
Chalet 11 Le Jaseur (up to 12 pers.)325,00393,08
Chalet 12 Le Colibri (up to 4 people)218.00265.74
Chalet 13 La Mésange (up to 20 people)450.00541.82
Chalet 14 Le Harfang des neiges (up to 12 people)325.00393.08
Bike rentalbefore taxestaxes and fees included
Strider ( one-day rate)5.005.75
Single suspensionbikes and Fatbikes
2 hours26,0930,00
3 hours37.8343.50
4 hours48,7156,00
Additional hour10.8712.50
Dual suspensionbike
2 hours34.7940.00
3 hours50.0057.50
4 hours63.0672.50
Additional hour13.5015.00
Children’sbike (20″ and 24″)
2 hours17.4020.00
3 hours23.9227.50
4 hours28.2732.50
Additional hour5.005.75
Winterhikingbefore taxestaxes and fees included
Adult snowshoeing; daily rate5.005.75
Children’s snowshoes (5 years and under) with rental raq. Adultfree of chargefree of charge
Adult ski hok; 4 hour block17,4020,00
Ski hok child; 4 hour block10,0011,50
Snow scooter; 2 hour block10,0011,50
Otherbefore taxestaxes and fees included
Crampons (daily rate)5.005.75
Baby cart on wheels/ski; 2-hour block15.0017.25
Fishing fee (5 trout / person)*15.0017.25
*provincial fishing permit required